Like so many people who walk the spiritual path and arrive at shamanism, I too have lived a very eventful life with many (painful) challenges in my younger years. Hardly anyone searches for himself who has not also experienced suffering. So it was also with me - however, I am rather a "late-comer".
Like so many people who follow the spiritual path and arrive at shamanism, I too lived a very eventful life with many (painful) challenges in my younger years. Hardly anyone searches for themselves who has not also experienced suffering. It was the same with me - but I am rather a "late-comer".
After a long search, I studied various methods for inner growth, learned to meditate and came into contact with the shamanic art of healing through a seminar. I immediately felt the urge to be trained in it and looked for a teacher who worked with the original roots of shamanism. During this time I met and fell in love with my second wife. And the wedding with Elke was not long in coming. She too has been walking her spiritual path for decades and we recognised many parallels. In her practice (for over 20 years, see link for psychotherapy, family constellations, meditation and hypnosis, many clients also asked about shamanic work. Und so lag es nahe, dass ich Menschen, die dafür offen und bereit sind, nun begleite und unterstütze. Die perfekte Ergänzung.
The love for creation (human, animal and nature) and its Creator, my faith in the power and guidance of the Great Spirit, the connection between my human self to my soul ... all this is still in constant change and growth. And it shall never end. Denn das Entdecken meines wahren Selbsts ist ein spannender und erfüllender Prozess. The journey to the higher self.
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